Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Day 9

Some more die off the past 2 days, my stomach is making a lot of movement, I have a lot of gas and smelly farts! My room has also been a bit smelly when I wake up in the morning. Some new red pussy spots on my hands and wrist.

Still feeling energetic tho and clear mind!

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Day 8: Stage 2

Just thought I'd mention that someone on the candida diet forum reported itchy skin on back, arms, legs and stomach as a die off symptom, this is something I have experienced over the past week.

Felt REALY good today, was really busy at work, I'd been up since 5am and I didn't not stop for 10 hours - I have not felt or looked this good for I don't even know how long!!! :)

For breakfast today I had "breakfast rolls" which was some veg wrapped up in coconut flour egg "tortilla", was nice! Didn't have my lemon tho as still out!

At work, I had a glass of lemon water, and the same thing again to eat, minus the coconut flour so it was just "egg tortillas". I had a cupola of cups of chamomile tea also.

Tonight I had the usual veg stir dry, and a few slices of coconut bread - I baked the PERFECT bread, it's texture and taste to me is very similar to regular gluten free bread :) I also had a lemon in water before this meal, and today I introduced a small amount of coconut milk (in the bread and in a cup of chicory coffee).

Supplements I am now taking:
Golden seal x2
Bayberry x1 twice a day
Zinc x1 twice a day
Vitamin C x1 twice a day
Oxygen x20 drops twice a day
Molybdenum up to x3 a day

Swedish Bitters x1 drop per day
Coconut Oil x1 tablespoon a day

Stage 1 Review

So after a week on the cleanse, I am ready to move to the next stage.

The week was very draining especially mid-week, but from Thursday onwards I have been feeling loads better.

I'm going to keep the food very similar and take it slow for at another week.

I have now added the supplements golden seal, zinc and oxygen elements so let's see how things go.

Day 7

Still feeling much better today, and my skin on my face is looking brilliant, no spots at all - I haven't looked this good in a LONG LONG time.

Had the usual veg stir fry for breakfast, with my supplements and Swedish bitters. Also coconut oil, golden seal, zinc and oxygen elements

Had an onion and courgette omelette at work (3 eggs) and a couple of cups of chamomile tea.

At home I had a glass of water with lime juice as I am out of lemons. I had the veg stir fry.

I've reintroduced the coconut bread, but I made it into a special treat - Coffee Cake, new ingredients include coconut flour and xylitol, that's it.

Will continue with the same foods for now, allowing more eggs, coconut bread and some chicken.

I'm feeling greatly improved and look so much better so am ready to move onto stage 2 this week.

Friday, 20 January 2012

Day 6

Woke up still feeling much better. Have a few itchy spots on my legs, hopefully that's some die off I started having yesterday. Got more energy today.

Had the usual for breakfast with 2 eggs thrown in.

At work, had lemon in water, then 4 eggs thrown in with some red onion and a courgette. A few cups of chamomile tea aswell.

Feeling a little laggish but overall so much better these last 2 days, I also look more vibrant and awake, clear skin, bright eyes.

Had a very dark (almost black) stool, not sure if that's a good thing or not, it was very heavy. And a pussy spot on my arm appeared.

Was debating whether to cook some coconut bread tonight but there is no eggs at home so that solved that problem. At least now I have had 6 full days cleanse, and tomorrow night I will cook the bread and start adding that to my diet.

I just took 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and having a cup of chicory coffee.

Tomorrow I will start the zinc supplement and the goldenseal. It's time to launch a full out attack on the candida.

Today at work I couldn't stop thinking about food even more, smells seem to be stronger but I'm still resisting any temptation, telling myself at this stage it's not worth it.

Had the usual for dinner but without any eggs, I dont want to overdo them while on the cleanse.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Day 5

Felt so much better today, I'm hoping this is the turning point of the diet. More die off I think, red lumps on my legs and 1 or 2 flu symptoms.

Had all the same food again, had 3 eggs with lunch.

Let's see how I feel tomorrow, 5 days and going strong though! :)

Day 4

Woke up feeling tired/achy, was quite hard to get up out of bed, BUT once I was up I actually feel better today, not so drained and a clearer mind.

Symptoms: skin dryness clearing up on hands, skin breakage on my arm is finally fading, and on my legs.

Breakfast: lemon in water, then veg stir fry, same as last nights, delicious!

I don't have my supplements with me as I stayed over my friends house, so will take them when I get home

Diet is going well, haven't deviated or cheated at all. Cannot wait until I can have coconut bread next week, it will really satisfy these cravings I have been having.

At home, had a glass of water with lemon in.

For lunch: onions, garlic, pepper, courgette, avocado with spinach watercress and rocket, had 3 free range eggs thrown in, salt and pepper- delicious!

I then took 2 bayberry, 1 vitamin C, 2 garlic capsules, a drop of molybdenum and a drop of Swedish bitters. Also had a cup of chicory after the meal.

Still feeling very tired. But after feeling very down/depressed and detached the last couple of days, my mood has definitely lifted tonight and I'm feeling much happier. I can also tense muscles which has been very hard to do.

For dinner I had the exact same thing except with 1 egg instead of 3, I don't want to over do my intake on the cleanse. I also took all the same supplements again.

Didn't have my whole lemon in water, but I did drink 3-4 glasses of water with lemon and lime halved in it

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Day 3

Woke up feeling very drained still, no energy and "heavy limbs".

Had my glass of lemon and water, followed by breakfast which was the usual veg stir fry (pepper, onion, garlic, asparagus, broccoli and spinach watercress and rocket cooked in olive oil.

Mid morning I had a cup of hot chicory coffee unsweetened.

For lunch, a glass of lemon in water 1/2 hour before I lightly sautéed onion, garlic, pepper, asparagus, avocado with a leaf mixture of spinach watercress and rocket and covered in black pepper. Was delicious! The first time I've tried avocado and I love it, will be using alot more of that!

I've taken 1 vitamin C, 2 bayberry formula and 1 drop of molybdenum, my Swedish bitters have arrived but they contain alcohol so I'm waiting to find out if I should use them or not.

Going to a friends house tonight and cooking a stir fry for them, so I will have my veg stir fry alternative :)

Symptoms: tiredness, lack of energy, dry skin again in my hands. A lot of movement going on in my stomach, I think something good is defiantly going on there!

Dinner I had veg stir fry again, this time with shredded cabbage and leek. I cooked chicken noodle stir fry in sauce and baked choc brownies for my friends, they smelt so good but I resisted any temptation!

Had 2 cups of chicory coffee thought the evening and a glass of lemon in water ready for bed. The tiredness/lack of energy comes and goes, a few spots on my face and rash on my hands and legs

Monday, 16 January 2012

Day 2

Woke up feeling much better this morning, more awake and "ready to go", let's see how long that lasts!

For breakfast, I had my lemon in warm water, shit of aloe Vera juice, veg omelet (asparagus, onion, garlic, courgette, pak choi and 2 free range eggs with salt black and cayenne pepper, lightly fried in olive in). Also having a cup of Oolong tea. Taken 1000mg of vitamin C and 2 garlic capsules.

I'd thought that my Oolong tea stated caffeine free but after looking at the box again it DOES NOT state this so I am going to discontinue use of this tea and switch it for something else.

Symptoms: still quite bloated, 1 or 2 new skin breakouts (only small red raised areas), a little larthargy but much better than yesterday. Facial acne clearing up quite quickly, and dry skin on hands clearing quickly. Also all flu symptoms that I've had for over a week have passed! :)

At work, the energy didn't last long - felt fatigued most of the day, kind of came and went in waves of feeling tired then fine. Also felt a bit sick and dizzy at times.

For lunch, lemon in glass of water, pepper, onion, courgette and spinach lightly sautéed in olive oil again.

Picked up a jar of organic chicory coffee to replace my hot drink with - I actually quite enjoy it unsweetened and had some ideas to make a fake coffee cake using the coconut flour on the next stage :) I also had a 2 cups of camomile tea today.

At home, my body feels very heavy, sometimes it's hard to move my limbs and my fingers, this is a new symptom I haven't experience yet. My sister commented on how much better my skin on my face was looking.

For dinner, onion, garlic, pepper, asparagus, courgette and a mix of watercress sponache and parsley, seasoned with salt, cumin, cayenne and oregano, cooked in olive oil.

My bayberry and molybdenum arrived today so I have now taken a drop of molybdenum under the tongue, 1 bayberry, 1 vitamin C and 2 garlic capsules

To finish the day, a whole lemon and warm water. Feeling totally drained, had a job to brush my teeth. But it does feel like something is changing in my body for the better!

Successful day 2! :)

My Story

So I thought I'd write up my story as to what happened and how I believe this problem started.

In short, Candida has ruined my life over the past 2 years. I've gone from being a healthy young guy, with no health concerns at all apart from hayfever, to a fatigued run down "shadow" of how I used to look and feel. The stress, depression and anxiety attacks led to me walking out of a well paid job. And the acne and skin rashes have destroyed my self-confidence and made me become detached socially.

So let's rewind a couple of years...

In August 2009 I got pretty bad food poisoning, was bed bound for a week and was off work for 3 weeks in total. The doctor gave me antibiotics to cure the problem.

Around this time (I'm not entirely sure of the date) I was also given a course of antibiotics to clear an infected nerve in my tooth.

Around Feb/March of 2010 I start seeing "patches" breaking out on my skin, notably on my forearms and groin/lower stomach area. I was worried this was some kind of STD so I went and got checked at the GUM clinic - every thing came back clear. So I went to the doctor again, who said this was a fungal infection, and yep you guessed it, he gave me a cream and antibiotics!!!

So within the space of roughly a year and a half I have taken 3 courses of antibiotics - enough to totally wipeout the balance in my gut? I think so.

My diet was pretty unhealthy (compared to now) to be honest, it was high in bread, cheese, processed and fast food more often than not. This hadn't caused me any problems, but after the antibiotic wipeout this diet obviously started to feed the problem. Alcohol was also a regular occurrence, and in large quantities.

So fast forward to April 2010, this is where skin rashes became a constant annoyance. All over my feet, arms and legs, itchy hives. I went back to the doctor about this who said that I was allergic to something and I would need to work it out by process of elimination.

The rash was worst on my feet, I went from thinking it was a sweat rash (as it was very hot where I worked) to thinking I was allergic to our washing powder. I used many hydrocortisone creams from the doctor which made my skin so thin and brittle it was breaking all over from where I was scratching it.

My ability to deal with stress was rapidly decreasing. I worked in a busy restaurant as an assistant manager. And so my alcohol consumption increased dramatically. As time went on and depression and anxiety started the alcohol increased even further. I was having sleepless nights and working 12 hour shifts.

Next I thought I was allergic to the spicy food we sold at work, so I stopped eating it and began eating sandwiches, pasties, pasta in its place, this was obviously feeding the problem further.

After an almost complete breakdown, I walked out of the job 1 day as I couldn't deal with it any longer. I went to the doctor who signed me on the sick for 3 weeks. While off I made the decision not to return to the job as my health was more important among other reasons.

So in October 2010 I went to see a nutritionist to have a food test conducted.

I was told my body was VERY low in essential vitamins and minerals, and I had sensitivities to many food items, including gluten and yeast.

So the gluten free diet began, and this I thought was obviously the reason for all my symptoms.

I think I tried every gluten free cake and biscuit available at the supermarket, just because it was gluten free and I could eat it. After a while I also discovered gluten free bread - I craved the bread so bad I stuffed a whole loaf as toast one night, and this made me very itchy and fatigued for the next couple of days.

Over the next few months, Every time I tried a bread product these symptoms would reoccur, and this is when I thought that the yeast was the problem eventually. I was also having a problem with thrush. I knew that thrush was caused by yeast and so my research began on the Internet.

This is when I self diagnosed myself with Candida, after extensive research and uncanny similarities in my symptoms.

So in summary, the good bacteria in my gut got wiped out, then my diet allowed an overgrowth of bad bacteria, which I fed and fed for the best part of a year as I had no idea what the problem was.

So I feel so lucky to have found The Candida Diet and am now committed to reversing this damage and resuming my normal healthy lifestyle!

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Day 1

So the detox has begun!

For breakfast, I just had 1 whole lemon in warm water, a 60ml shot of aloe Vera drinking gel, 1 glass of water, 1 whole green pepper and a cup of hot Oolong tea. I also took 3 Vitamin C capsules, 2 garlic capsules and my last 2 bayberry formula - I hope my delivery gets here tomorrow.

Symptoms: woke up feeling quite fatigued. Skin complaints remain on my hands, elbows and arms. Very bloated today. And my room was a bit smelly this morning - this is either the candida dieing off some more or creating gas from the foods I shouldn't of eat over the weekend. Some acne spots have returned on my face, after being clear for almost a week. Very dry skin on my hands.

At work:

Felt very tired/drained and had no energy. Headaches and brain fog, and felt very detached socially from co workers.

For lunch, a glass of lemon juice with water, I've had a big bowl of spinach, courgettes, green pepper and onion lightly sautéed in extra Virgin olive oil.

I've been getting bad cravings all day, it's especially hard as I work in a restaurant and we sell gluten free cookies, but I resisted and did not cheat!!! I can't stop thinking about them and I'm having a constant battle in my mind.

I've had 2 cups of Oolong tea, 1 cup of Chamomile tea and drank plenty of spring water

At home, feeling completely fatigued after a busy day, been up since 5:30am and struggling to keep my eyes open.

For dinner, lightly sautéed veg stir dry (peppers, celery, pak choi, asparagus, onion, garlic and covered in cayenne pepper). I actually really enjoy this it is delicious! A glass of water with a wedge of lemon.

About to get into bed and watch a film now, still need 1 more glass of warm water with a whole lemon.

So day 1 is complete! Just need to complete another 13 days like today :)

Stage 1: The Cleanse/Detox

So I'd "started" the Candida diet last weekend, but towards the end of the week went right off the tracks and ate some foods I shouldnt have - nothing majorly bad, but potentially food for the candida to feed on none the less.

So I'm restarting the diet again tomorrow, and will commit to following it right to the last detail.

I plan on blogging everyday or as often as possible to keep myself on track and to reference my symptoms. I'd also love it for people to read this blog and hopefully gain something from it or help me with input.

I will also type up "My Story" as to how this problem begun and what has been happening up til now.
