So the detox has begun!
For breakfast, I just had 1 whole lemon in warm water, a 60ml shot of aloe Vera drinking gel, 1 glass of water, 1 whole green pepper and a cup of hot Oolong tea. I also took 3 Vitamin C capsules, 2 garlic capsules and my last 2 bayberry formula - I hope my delivery gets here tomorrow.
Symptoms: woke up feeling quite fatigued. Skin complaints remain on my hands, elbows and arms. Very bloated today. And my room was a bit smelly this morning - this is either the candida dieing off some more or creating gas from the foods I shouldn't of eat over the weekend. Some acne spots have returned on my face, after being clear for almost a week. Very dry skin on my hands.
At work:
Felt very tired/drained and had no energy. Headaches and brain fog, and felt very detached socially from co workers.
For lunch, a glass of lemon juice with water, I've had a big bowl of spinach, courgettes, green pepper and onion lightly sautéed in extra Virgin olive oil.
I've been getting bad cravings all day, it's especially hard as I work in a restaurant and we sell gluten free cookies, but I resisted and did not cheat!!! I can't stop thinking about them and I'm having a constant battle in my mind.
I've had 2 cups of Oolong tea, 1 cup of Chamomile tea and drank plenty of spring water
At home, feeling completely fatigued after a busy day, been up since 5:30am and struggling to keep my eyes open.
For dinner, lightly sautéed veg stir dry (peppers, celery, pak choi, asparagus, onion, garlic and covered in cayenne pepper). I actually really enjoy this it is delicious! A glass of water with a wedge of lemon.
About to get into bed and watch a film now, still need 1 more glass of warm water with a whole lemon.
So day 1 is complete! Just need to complete another 13 days like today :)
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